Sunday, March 27, 2011

What can I say?

Hello world. I present to you a new blogger, well, I'm relatively new to this "blogging" thing, and I'm not quite sure what to write. I had this other blog of insight to my fellow teenagers, but I ran out of insightful things to write about, so it kind of died down. If you would like to see it though, you can click here. I might start it back up, but for now, onto my new blog! It's weird; my fingers are already getting clammy as if the whole world is waiting on my post, just like if I'm supposed to give a speech. Let me tell you though, it's much more comforting to be in front of a screen than in front of a crowd, not to mention the free-lance of writing typing an entry on my computer laptop as opposed to a well-prepared, uptight speech that I would have been planning for ages, making sure everything is absolutely correct... I'll stop rambling now. 

I don't know how this is going to turn out, I don't know how the post will look on my page, and whether or not people will actually read this. Hmm...will anyone see this post? What's the chance someone is going to run into a post of the ramblings of a newbie. Ha! I like the sound of it. Ramblings of A Newbie. R.A.N. Cool. I'm liking this rambling thing too. It suits my mood and it's making me bouncy inside. 

What about things to write in this journal/blogging thing of mine? Do I just talk about my mundane life and what I did? Or...should I make up short stories and things. Poetry. Lyrics. Blips. I like that idea more. Let's just see where this is going to take me first, then I'll decide my angle. I might as well do both. 

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