Sunday, October 2, 2011

20 Things that Irritate Me

Everyone has pet peeves. Some people hate the sound of a pen clicking simultaneously while others hate watching people eat, or someone sucking their straw at the last drops of drink left, and so on. There are so many, but here's a list of my top 20:

  1. People who touch my computer screen or cell phone and leave their fingerprints all over it and I spend fifteen minutes trying to rub them all off. 
  2. People with double-standards. If you don't like someone doing something or acting in a certain way, don't do it yourself!
  3. Fragments. When honoring people for making such good posts. That's a fragment. in my head I'm like "... ... ...!!! You're not done yet! What about honoring them? What about people? What is life? Aflkajsdflkjalksdjflkajdslkfj."
  4. When people use unnecessary quotation marks. Like this sign I once saw: "Do Not" Smoke! Or a famous one: Fresh Brown "Eggs". If they're "eggs", what are they? Quotations nowadays are used for sarcasm, for things that are not as they seem, or of course quoting something. They are in no way used for emphasis or as an attention getter. 
  5. People who chew and making chomping noises. No not that crisp, "I just ate some Doritos" sound, but that "I'm eating a cheese sandwich," kind of way. 
  6. Pplz d@T r!te lyyyke dis nd staff!!! I spend more time deciphering your crap than you do making your so-called abbreviations. Learn to type words, please. Thanks. 
  7. Writing a long message to someone (usually through texting) and they just reply, "K." Really now? Really? 
  8. People who read over my shoulder when I'm on my computer or phone.
  9. When people pronounce my name wrong. [For any future reference of my name (Hana)? It's pronounced henna or jenna with an "h" if that makes more sense]. 
  10. People who write you're as your. [Your: possession belonging to someone (your notebook). You're: you are.] Please pay attention in your grammar classes! It will save me some grief.
  11. When the toilet roll is backwards. 
  12. People who borrow stuff and don't give it back. Excuse me but I didn't let you have it. 
  13. Finding hair in the sink, especially if it's not mine. WASH IT OFF.
  14. Sites that start talking randomly and you can't make it stop because it's not a video on the page or anything like that, and you probably have like eight tabs open and you can't figure out which one's talking.
  15. People who tickle me, or pinch my sides to try to tickle me. Seriously it's not funny. 
  16. Chairs with uneven legs that wobble. How do you expect me to sit like that?
  17.  People who leave toothpaste in the sink. 
  18. When people put me on speaker and I didn't know. Tell me first! What if I don't want everyone in the room to hear what I'm saying?
  19. People who open books so wide they make a crease line on the spine of the book. 
  20. People who say "That's what she said,"after everything. Keep your mind out of the gutter and keep me out of there too, okay?


  1. HAHAHAHAH "that 'I'm eating a cheese sandwich' kind of way." I cringed just reading that.

  2. dis wEal fuNNyy nd StAfff!?!?!11? ilyk DIS aLaWt

  3. I enjoyed some of these!
