Monday, October 24, 2011

My Personal Recipes for Disaster: Madness

No, seriously. I'm going to tell you exactly how to cause some chaos wherever you are, just by simply following a series of steps.

This set is the Recipe of Madness. You want to frighten people from your insanity? Try these.

  1. Wake up in the morning and literally just leave the house in your current state, meaning in Pajamas, messy hair, the usual. 
  2. Before you leave though, grab a camera and your cell phone.
  3. Walk around town as if you're seeing it for the first time. Snap photos of irrational things like a garbage can, a ripped up sign. No, not in an artistic way or anything, just snap it. Look like you're in awe too. 
  4. Ask someone to take a picture of you next to "this amazing monument". Stand next to a light post. 
  5. Stand in the middle of a crowded sidewalk and call someone who knows of your faked madness (or if you want to have some more fun, don't tell the person you're calling.) Start talking to them loudly about how amazing the garbage looks today. Or talk about people who are standing next to you. For an example: "WHOA! There's this guy in a blue sweatshirt with brown hair and glasses and he looks dashing!" Or even, "There's this lady with a red blouse and pinned up hair and she's staring at me real weirdly." Be creative.
  6. Pat people randomly on the shoulder and say some old phrase like, "Good man, how art thou?"
  7. Hungry? Grab something to eat. Shuffle into some store and stand in line (if there is one). Take out your camera and start posing and taking pictures of yourself. Act like a thirteen-year-old girl trying to make a new profile picture. When your time comes to order, be indecisive and order things that aren't on the menu. 
  8. Go to a funeral and sing "Highway to Hell" by ACDC. 
  9. If anyone tells you to stop, tell them, "Stop doing what?" Act totally stupid.
  10. Talk to a tree and caress it and talk sweetly to it. Call it "babe" and "sweetie". For best results, kiss it a couple times.

*This post is purely for reading entertainment; however, if you really want to do this, fine, just don't hurt yourself or do anything that can get you arrested. I warned you. ;)
**If you decide to do this, send me some pictures please? I'll feature your amazingness on my site.

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