Saturday, December 31, 2011


Today was my birthday...or rather yesterday depending on the's 12:34 right now as I'm writing this. I feel so blessed for having such a loving family and friends who made this day so special. When I woke up this morning I didn't feel any different than I did yesterday. Granted, I have been feeling more mature as my seventeen year progressed. The only thing that did change when I got up was that I could officially say, "I'm eighteen." 18. Such an interesting number. For some reason eighteen sounds so much more mature than seventeen. I liked being seventeen; it was not quite child, not quite adult. I could get away with things for not being old enough, but had responsibilities not given to people younger than me. Now it's all over.

Don't get me wrong here, I'm happy I'm officially an adult now age-wise, but it's an odd thought.

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