Monday, April 25, 2011

Sebastian - The Series (Part 1)

So I got a pet Bearded Dragon yesterday. Absolutely adorable. I named him Sebastian.

After getting by the fact that I have to feed him live crickets, it's all right. I mean he's alert and ready for action! Which is why he's the perfect candidate for my new blog series: Sebastian!
I'm going to write about life in his point of view. I don't know, I thought it would be interesting. Of course with all due respect for Sebastian, I don't know exactly what's going through the little guy's head, but I'm gonna go off based on what I see.

This should be interesting.

So I was sitting in my habitat, fighting with my cage-roomies as usual, no big deal. Ha! I took Fred's basking spot again, what a wuss. He didn't even fight me back! Ah well. So I was basking there with my fellas when all of a sudden these...humans come and I'm like whoa, they're looking at me! But then I realized they're looking at me and my buddies, not just me alone! I needed to get their attention.

I hobbled over Fred and climbed down the tree and crawled over to these humans. I've seen humans before. Fascinating creatures. They make carrots and yummy crickets fall from the sky, and sometimes they hold me in their hands. Anyways, so I keep walking to them until I hit that darn clear thing again. I can never get passed it. I decided to run back and forth across it though. They starting pointing and things. Their fingers were going to touch me, but the same thing that was blocking me to come out was blocking them from touching me. What's it called anyway? Plass? Vlass? Something like that.

Minutes later the screen on top of me opened and Fred was lifted and handed over to the humans. I'm starting not to like Fred. He's always stealing my attention. Then suddenly the ground fell under me and I was handed to a human. A very little one. He kept moving me and I got scared, just for a minute, but then I was lifted again by the biggest one among the three newcomers. She looked at me in the eyes, counted my fingers and toes, I started to shuffle about. Why was she doing that? Then I heard her say, "It's okay, beardie." And she rubbed my neck and head. It felt really good! But shortly after that, the lady who always brings the crickets came and put me back in the cage with Fred.

I kind of didn't want to be anywhere near Fred anymore, or any of the other beardies in the cage.

A few hours later though they came back and were looking at Jukai, the new chameleon. They looked at me every once in a while, but all eyes were on Jukai. Lucky guy. Well anyway, shortly after that the cricket lady came again with the three younger humans in tow. She took me out and gave me to the eldest of the three. Then they put me in a box with a clear lid and took me away from everyone. THEY TOOK ME! I'M FREE!

To be continued...

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