Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sebastian - The Series (Part 2)

April 24-New Home

I can't believe I'm finally leaving Fred.

But what was going on? I looked around me and all I saw was white walls. What's up with that? I couldn't even straighten my tail! Bah. I only tried to get out like ten times. No big deal. After a while I was taken out of the container and BAM! I'm in this totally different place! I checked out my new habitat. It was awesome! I ran around the whole place to check it out and I loved it! I was all alone. No more Fred. Heh. Heh. So I was given a bowl of this yummy green stuff [parsley] and grapes. I didn't like the grapes, but the green was great. Much better than the carrots in the pet store. Yummy.

April 25-Feeding
I woke up today by the sunrise...or something like that [lights that can dim]. But then the older human came and put a bowl of pineapples and more of the yummy greens. There was also this mushy brown stuff [beardie pellets]. She picked up a yellow thing and brought it up to me, I sniffed it and it smelled delicious! I took a lick then grabbed it out of her hand. Mmmmm.

Later that day, she came back and opened the tank. She picked me up gently and put me in a box that I could see through. Then she took me to a cooler place and started banging a black tube next to me, and out came three crickets! Yay!! I was so excited! It was after I ate nine delicious ones that she took me back to my house. She put me under a warm light on the highest part of the branch. The view was good and the light was good. I didn't have to worry about pushing Fred out of the way. The light was all mine!!!

April 27-Pain!
She took me out again to eat some crickets. I'm getting really frustrated. They won't leave me alone! I'm scared and awfully terrified right now. I wish Fred was here!! Well, maybe not. BUT STILL. I ran away from her when she was going to feed me, but she caught be anyway and put me back in that container. I only ate three crickets then my legs started hurting, A LOT! I couldn't move them! There were crix running up and down me and I couldn't get them. I wasn't hungry anymore. She carried me back to the room, but her voice was alarmed. She kept rubbing the area between my head and back. Back and forth, back and forth. I closed my eyes.
I felt the familiar warmth of the light. I opened my eyes to find myself in my usual spot under the light. The human girl looked very sad. I still couldn't move my hind legs. I will write back soon.

Your friendly Beardie,

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