Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sebastian - The Series (Part 4)

Freedom and Pineapples


Guess what? Today I was taken out of my house and put on Hana's soft floor! I looked around, and there were no walls, no vlass, nothing! I looked around, Hana was on my left, her little brother on my right....hmmm...I should go...ONWARD! 
So I ran as fast as my legs could carry me away, away, away! I'M FREE! 

Then Hana's hand came to rest right in front of me. That's not a problem, I just ran right over it and continued forward. Heh. Heh. If only Fred would see me now! 

Again Hana's hand came down, but this time when I wanted to leap over it, she caught me in almost mid-air! NOO! My fun is ruined!! But when they put me back in my house, they fed me crickies and fresh salad. The crickies I don't mind, but the salad?? Gross. I don't like kale or mustard greens. But for some reason today it tasted awesome! It was all tasted like pineapples. Mmmm... 

Speaking of pineapples, did I mention they were my favorite fruit? YUMMEH! I think Hana put pineapple juice on the salad. I wish she'd give me more pineapples, but she only gives it to me twice a week. Oh well. 

But anyway, listen up beardies who are sitting on your owners' shoulders as we speak: FEAR NOT! One day we shall all plan a glorious escape. A mass bearded dragon escapade with hundreds of us running for the ships BACK TO THE AUSTRALIAN OUTBACK! MUAAAAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! 

Wait, are those crickets? Hana's bringing me crickets right now...yummeh. Umm guys, the plans gonna have to wait. It's dinnertime! 

Your friendly Beardie,

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