Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sebastian - The Series (Part 5)



Last night was so confusing! Hana was holding me then when she put me back it started getting dark.

Sunsets in my new house are much different than at my old place with Fred and the Gang (see what I did there? hehe). The light here takes a few minutes to be fully gone. Unlike my old house where it suddenly gets dark.

BUT ANYWAY... so here I was playing with Hana when all of a sudden she puts me back into my house and it starts to get dark! Night time already? What? When? Why? GAH. I'd forgotten where my bed was! I've been exhausted for the past few days so I've been sleeping wherever, but now I wanted to sleep in my usual spot. Oh sweet crickies what do I do!

I started freaking out. I was looking all over the place, licking everything...but nothing smelled familiar or felt comfortable. I kept backing up and walking around and turning but nothing worked! Then I finally leaped to this one place and it felt kinda right, so I squiggled backwards a bit and wrapped my arms around the log place. Oh yeah...that's right. I found it! And right on time too, the lights had just gone off. Sigh. This is perfect.

Your friendly Beardie,



  1. Does that mean a new enclosure? You lost me in there somewhere :-).

  2. Alex-haha I wrote this when he was still adapting to his new enclosure, and this is when I slightly shifted his bedtime after cleaning it out. So I guess nothing smelled familiar? I don't know, maybe he was just confused I guess lol :D

    Kriestan- Haha glad you like it! :)

  3. They like to check things out with their tongues. Mine to the same thing if I make any changes to their Den. They also check me out when I take them out for a shirt surf.
