Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Interlude

I apologize for not posting in over a month! I've been busy, then I went overseas to Turkey...again! These are a few pictures that you may enjoy:

 The water really does sparkle in Turkey. It's so breathtaking!

 Pillar with Egyptian hieroglyphics on it.

 The Basilica Cistern! An underground aquifer that has over 300 columns!
There are actual fish that live down there too! I wonder how they got there...

 One of the columns had Medusa's head under it. 
It's meant to be lopsided because as the legend goes, when her head is upright, she could turn people to stone. 
 Blue Mosque!

 Dolma Bachi Palace! So big it doesnt fit on one camera frame...unless you step back A LOT.
I stepped back...A LOT. And this is just part of the gate (from the inside)!

I'll be back very soon with more posts, I promise!

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