Thursday, October 13, 2011


Exciting news: I decided to take blogging more seriously and finally bought a domain for my site! Instead of the typical .blogspot insert, my site is now If you log in to the original one (aimless-reverie), it'll redirect you to this domain.

Anyways, with new priorities comes a need for more information. I needed to consult the experts in the field of blogging and came across one particular one that inspired me to go through this: Blogging Bookshelf. This site has everything you need to know about blogging and anything you might like to change in your blog to increase traffic, have people commenting on your posts, and become well-known in the blogosphere. Now I don't typically blog about blogging because it's out of my niche and I'm fairly new to it myself, but I felt the need to credit Tristan, the creator of the site, for his insights and aspirations that gave me that push to take blogging to the next level.

In the next few weeks, I'll be tweaking up my blog a bit here and there like changing formats and making it more individual (instead of a blogger template) to my style. If you regularly follow my posts, thank you so much for your support, I wouldn't have gotten to this point without you.

Comment below and tell me what you think!

  • Any comments on this new endeavor?
  • Any suggestions on posts you want to see in the future?
  • What niche do you consider my blog to be in?

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