Hey everyone, I'd just like to take a moment and thank you all for your support! I've reached about 2,000 views this past month with traffic coming in every day from all over the world.
I want to get an opinion from you lovely people, so I've posted a poll on the left side of the page with a quick question: What do you want to see more of on Eternal Musing? You can choose multiple answers if you can't decide what you like most, but please try to limit your answers to two or three so I can get a better idea on what I should post more of. The poll closes on December 6th at 12pm! I'm really curious about what kind of things people like to see on this site, and any advice you may have is appreciated.
If what you like does not appear on the poll, feel free to comment on this post! Also any questions, ideas, feedbacks, and criticisms are valued and will be used to help improve this blog. I love you all, and again, thank you so much!
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