So...I'm going to rant on a little bit on how much I hate finals. Okay, it's my first semester of college, and guess who has an exam on the first day? Not a big deal? Well, try doing a 2.5 hour calculus exam right after a psychology test. My mind was on the frying pan for too long. It withered and dried; I've used up all my juice.
It's not the fact that I had two tests in one day, it's the amount of energy both tests required that hurt so much. Specifically for psychology, the test required a lot of analytical thinking. It's just so every thought felt like I was slowly extracting a thorn that was embedded in my head. They're not simple definition questions, they're concepts that must be applied in various situations and the answers sound the same! It hurts me to even think about it.
[Ironically, I'm majoring in psychology, but it doesn't mean I can't complain. Anyway, I got my scores and was thrilled to see I got a good score.]
Anyway. After the psychology exam, I got something to eat and studied a few more concepts I was shaky on in calculus. Then, time came to take the test. I was nervous out of my mind! I wasn't doing so hot in that class to begin with, and this was the mother of all tests. It was worth 200 points and proved to be a real pain in the butt. I could do the questions (well, most of them anyway), but they were so time consuming! [Insert more painful mental imagery here.] Then there were those few questions that I look at and remember seeing on a previous quiz...but I had forgotten to look over them! Oh joy. Some of them I even recalled looking at and saying, "She won't put that on the exam."
She did.
Thankfully, only a handful of them were like that, the rest I think I did pretty well on. I'll just have to wait until the scores come out. Wish me luck!
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